May 5, 2023

NPCs Lie, Rekindling the Spark, and You're Not Eddie Brock [DMAcademy Advice]

NPCs Lie, Rekindling the Spark, and You're Not Eddie Brock [DMAcademy Advice]

[#108] In this DMAdvice episode, Jason and Jim offer advice on how to get your players to trust your NPCs a little less, how to recapture the spark of role-play in a long-running campaign, and what to do about that guy who wants to be Venom in your...

[#108] In this DMAdvice episode, Jason and Jim offer advice on how to get your players to trust your NPCs a little less, how to recapture the spark of role-play in a long-running campaign, and what to do about that guy who wants to be Venom in your first campaign.Check out other DMAcademy episodes
And the youtube, too!

Hosted by Jason Portizo and Jim Crocker
Produced and Edited by Jason Portizo